3 Ways I Manage my Calendar as a Work at Home Mom


As a boutique agency owner and a work-at-home mom, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the moving parts of my life.

There are client calls, business tasks, networking events, doctor appointments, family events and parties and blocked off time on each mine and my husband's calendars.

Needless to say, in order to stay on top of things, I need to stay organized and be able to see everything I have going on for that day.

One way I do that is through multiple integrated Google Calendars.

HQ Business Calendar

This calendar is connected to both Dubsado and ClickUp. Any time a client schedules a call or books a project with us, these events are automatically added to this calendar. This is also where I would manually add networking events or webinars and other blocked time that's related to HQ Virtual Solutions.

My husband also has access to this calendar, so he's aware of what calls I have and what other events I have going on throughout my work week.

Family Calendar

This is the calendar that houses all of my personal and family events. My son's appointments and events are marked as blue on this calendar, my personal appointments and events are marked as pink, our dog's appointments are marked as purple, and our full-family events (with all 3 of us or just my husband and myself) are marked as gray.

My husband uses a separate calendar under his personal Gmail account, but also has access to add events to our family calendar for family events and/or my son's appointments. We do this so I'm not having to invite my husband to every single event — he already has access to it.

Husband's Calendar

Like I mentioned above, my husband has access to his own calendar through using his own Gmail address. Any time he adds something to his calendar, his events will show up as green. That way I can easily differentiate between what he has going on vs what I have going on and vice versa.

When we first started utilizing our Google Calendars, my husband requested access to his own calendar, which is why this works best for us.

Becoming a mom, just a couple short months ago, made me feel quite frazzled. Setting up our Google Calendars to speak to one another was the best decision yet!

Want more tips like these? Check out our other blog posts that share how to manage being a work-at-home mom.


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